Ill Comp Eric Gosnay, Celebrating 100 Years
On Wednesday 24th February 2021, Eric Gosnay celebrated his 100th birthday quietly with his family. He was absolutely overwhelmed with the cards from the numerous Orders he is in and also from individual masons which took him several days to open. He received 108 cards in total, including the famous one from Her Majesty the Queen. READ MORE
District Informal Zoom get together. 16th December 2020
2020 has been a year that we will not forget in a hurry, isolation, restrictions and lockdowns have been on everyones minds. however one thing that has come about because of this is video calling, and Freemsonry is no different. On the evening of the 16th December, 2020 our new District Grand Master, R Ill READ MORE
A Thought of Hope
I am sure that most of us are familiar with the Biblical story of the Exodus, when the Children of Israel were able to escape from their Egyptian bondage, led by that wonderfully heroic character, Moses. It must have taken an enormous amount of faith in that one man, coupled with the deep-felt hope that READ MORE
Helping the homeless: Reverend Roger Quick and St George’s Crypt
Heres is fantastic article about Companion Roger Quick, a member of Leodis Council, and very well know in other orders as well. READ MORE
Donation to Friends of Connaught Court
The District of West Yorkshire of the Order of Royal and Select Masters, as do all other Districts in England and Wales hold an annual District meeting every year, in our case the 1st Saturday in August which for obvious reasons this year has been postponed. At these District meetings the other Districts in England READ MORE
Postponement of the District Grand Meeting
Our Deputy District Grand Master in Charge, V.Ill. Companion Ronald J Murtagh sends you his best wishes and hopes that you are keeping safe and well. Further to yesterday’s information from the Grand Secretary I am now, with much regret, able to write to you to confirm that in the light of the present circumstances READ MORE